About Me

My name is Andrew Peel, I was born in 1986 and have been using Blender professionally since 2010. 

In 2004 I started working for Microvellum Software where I worked in several departments including software development, technical support, marketing, quality assurance, and training. 

During my employment I acquired many skills as a software developer, presenter, and project manager. 

In 2012 I began development of Fluid Designer, an interior design application, built on Blender. This application quickly became a success and was implemented by large companies to provide their designers a quick and easy way to design kitchens, baths, and closets.

You can view a presentation I gave about this project here.

After finishing development of Fluid Designer I began my self employment career allowing me to focus my time working as a freelance/consultant helping individuals and companies to streamline their design process.

Apart from my passion for software development I have also been writing, performing, and recording my own music since 1996.

My current goal is to create helpful features for Blender, and continue to learn and grow as a software developer and musician.